Archive for November 12, 2008

Virtual Desktop

Posted in Business, Hardcore IT on November 12, 2008 by Edwin Boender

Last week I was in Hamburg in our European engineering center to have the customer informed about virtual desktop solutions. The concept of virtual desktop is about having nothing installed on the desktop. No information, no technical parts (hard drive, processor) no management, no costs. When customers having trouble to reducing costs on their desktop environment, it is worth considering this concept. By managing thousends of desktops (where ever they are) in most current situations, with this concepts only the back end will have to be managed.
We also noticed that customers see many advantages in security, no information is stored on a virtual desktop. And you have the control about your own back end as well.
Last but not least the energy savings. 4 Watt againt almost 200 Watt of a regular desktop.